Electrosmog is not indifferent to health

Why should parents be wary of the effects of electrosmog on children?

Prof. Alicia Bortkiewicz: Electromagnetic radiation is not inert, although it is actually unnoticeable and can therefore be ignored by many people. On the other hand, it works, especially it is believed to work on children. Children have a smaller head and thinner skull than adults, their brain tissue has a higher conductivity, which is associated with greater absorption of radiation compared to adults.

Before going to bed, everyone (especially children) should be at least half an hour free from all electromagnetic stimuli. It is also very necessary to pay attention to ensure that there are no routers in the room where you are, especially where you will be sleeping. We did a study of the effect of routers on sleep patterns, and while no drastic changes were detected, we nevertheless observed some disturbances in blood pressure regulation, and this was, after all, a one-time exposure. We don’t know what the consequence of multi-year exposure is, because there are virtually no such studies.

It has been proven in a number of studies (admittedly, in children, unfortunately, there have been no such studies, but it has been proven in adults) that the duration of exposure to electromagnetic fields associated with, for example, talking on a cell phone, correlates very significantly with the ailments that occur. Studies show that once the 30-minute talk is exceeded, the effect is more severe: these include headaches, impaired fresh memory, which impinges on the ability to remember new things. In addition, sleep disturbances occur. I always tell this in my lectures – there was a commercial on TV not so long ago “read fairy tales to your children” and a child was shown lying in a crib, a cell phone laid by his head, from which this fairy tale is transmitted. Fortunately, this advertisement quickly disappeared. These are absolutely unacceptable practices.

The same is true of cancer. Tumors have so far been studied mainly in adults. Why? That’s because the time between the start of exposure (e.g., starting to use a cell phone regularly) and its effect, which is cancer, is sometimes 20 years. In children, there is no such long exposure time, but on the other hand, we do not know whether the progression is faster in children. A multi-center research project on cancers associated with cell phone use in children (MOBI-kids) will perhaps clarify this. We are beginning to talk about this threat, but parents are still not aware of it. Yes there is a group of very conscious parents, there are schools free of PEM exposure. For example, in France there is already a regulation banning the use of cell phones in schools, but in turn there are Wi-Fi installations , and this too is electromagnetic radiation. There are many aspects that would have to be considered to protect children as much as possible from the influence of electromagnetic halves.

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