Magnetic fields in veterinary medicine

“Did you know that magnetic field therapies are used in veterinary medicine with excellent health effects? That is, it is simply possible to effectively support the organisms of animals – horses, cows, cats, dogs, etc.
The proof, which we can share with you for now, includes. An excerpt from an interview with Janusz Dabrowski by p. Beata Brzeziak, a certified equine physiotherapist.


“Can magnetotherapy be used in veterinary medicine?

Mr. J.D.: Not only can, but should. The basic principles governing processes in human and animal organisms are virtually identical, right? Of course, the functioning of species is different in many areas, but there are no fundamental differences between medicine and veterinary medicine. Human and animal organisms are governed by the same laws, since they are energy-information systems controlled by electromagnetic fields.

Like humans, animals can also be treated with magnetic fields. This method is already being used around the world with great success in both small and large animals. Especially since some types of pulsed magnetic field applicators with independent power supply and resistant to mechanical damage allow animals to move around fully. They can be easily attached to the animal’s body and allowed to stay in the pasture, outside the stalls.

It is advisable to use magnetostimulation continuously, on a long-term basis, both in rehabilitation and in prevention. Particularly recommended for faster rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries in healthy animals (e.g. horses) in the prevention of injuries and to improve performance.

Magnetostimulation stimulates the regenerative processes of animal organisms by activating their natural forces. It increases cell metabolism, supports the dynamics of ion exchange, regulates blood circulation improves oxygen supply to cells and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body. As a result, regeneration processes and recovery from illnesses are accelerated.

Typical magnetostimulation applications for animals:

– Chronic and acute inflammation of joints, tendons, tendon sheaths and muscles,

– Injuries to joints including large ones (spine),

– Muscle and tendon injuries (ruptures),

– Fractures, dislocations, sprains,

– Spinal and musculoskeletal degeneration,

– Wound healing (including burns),

– hematomas,

– Improved vitality and overall regeneration,

– cardiovascular disorders,

– motor disorders,

– gastrointestinal disorders,

– Stress (especially related to sports competitions),

– neurological disorders

The pioneers of the use of magnetic therapy in the treatment of animals are recognized experts, veterinarians Allen M. Schoen, MD, PhD. Susan G. Wynn (authors of the textbook Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine: Principles and Practice” (“Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine: Principles and Practice,” Mosby edition, 1997), Dr. Shawn Messonnier, Dr. Michael R Strazza, Dr. James E. Bullock, Dr. Kevin J. May. Their studies have shown, among other things, a reduction in pain in 60÷70% of cases, acceleration of fracture healing by 40÷50%, and significant improvements in mobility.”

The text of the full interview with Janusz Dabrowski can be found at, PUBLICATIONS section


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