Water: and for hot weather and better health!

Drinking enough water is key to maintaining health and well-being. Water performs many important functions in our bodies, and its deficiency can lead to serious health problems. In particular, during hot weather and in case of health problems, hydration becomes even more important. Here are some reasons why you should drink plenty of water.

Basic functions of water in the body

Water makes up about 60% of an adult’s body weight. It is essential for the proper functioning of almost all processes in the body. Here are some key roles of water:

  1. Body temperature regulation: Water helps regulate body temperature through sweating and breathing. During hot weather, the body loses more water, which requires regular replenishment.
  2. Transport of nutrients and oxygen: Water is the main component of blood, which transports oxygen and nutrients to cells.
  3. Removing toxins: Water helps remove metabolic products and toxins from the body through urine and sweat.
  4. Hydration of joints and tissues: Water acts as a lubricant for joints and tissues to prevent damage to them.

Water and health during hot weather

During hot weather, the body loses water faster than usual. High temperatures cause increased sweating, which can lead to dehydration if lost fluids are not replenished. Dehydration can manifest itself:

  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Headaches
  • Muscle spasms

In extreme cases, dehydration can lead to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical intervention.

Hydration and health problems

People with certain health problems, such as kidney disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, should take special care to stay hydrated. Water helps regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and supports kidney function.

  1. Kidney disease: Water helps filter the blood and remove waste from the body. People with kidney disease should drink enough water to support kidney function.
  2. Diabetes: Staying hydrated helps regulate blood glucose levels.
  3. Hypertension: Drinking water can help lower blood pressure by maintaining adequate electrolyte levels in the body.

What amounts of water to drink?

The recommended daily intake of water varies according to age, gender, physical activity level and climatic conditions. It is generally recommended that adult women drink about 2.7 liters of water per day, and men about 3.7 liters. In hot weather and with increased physical activity, these amounts should be correspondingly higher.


Drinking enough water is crucial for health and well-being. Water performs many important functions in the body, and its deficiency can lead to serious health problems. In particular, during hot weather and in case of health problems, hydration becomes even more important. Remember to drink water regularly and make sure you are properly hydrated every day.

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