Effects of electromagnetic fields on health

Janusz Dabrowski, a book author and biomagnetism expert, addresses the effects of magnetic and electromagnetic fields on human health in his latest talk. The talk attempts to highlight the dangers of the technologies around us and the potential benefits of using magnetic therapies appropriately.

The role of magnetic and electromagnetic fields

Since the beginning of existence on Earth, humanity has been immersed in electromagnetic fields generated by our planet’s core. These are natural magnetic fields that play an important role in regulating various biological processes both in humans and in the ecosystem as a whole. Dabrowski stresses that these fields control processes within organisms, and that humans are not only biochemical beings, but also electromagnetic ones.

It is worth noting that for the past 500 years or so we have been observing a gradual weakening of the Earth’s natural magnetic field. As a result, Dabrowski says, human organisms need to be “nourished” by artificially generated magnetic fields with therapeutic properties compatible with the human body.

Risks associated with electromagnetic technologies

Dabrowski points out the many potential dangers of electromagnetic radiation generated by modern technologies such as cell phones, Wi-Fi and especially 5G networks, which are based on millimeter-wave technology. He points out that cells in the human body communicate with each other using millimeter waves. Introducing strong external electromagnetic fields into the environment can interfere with these natural communication processes, which can lead to health problems.

At a medical symposium in 2017, Dabrowski presented his research on magnetic fields and their effects on health. However, his lecture was rejected by some in the medical world, who questioned his theses. This illustrates how little known and understood this topic is among so-called “professionals. professionals.

Scientific evidence and appeals by scientists

During his presentation, Dabrowski cites several important documents and appeals by scientists who have been warning of the effects of overexposure to artificial electromagnetic fields for years. Among them is the 2002 “frejki” appeal, in which doctors from various medical specialties warn governments and the public of the growing health risks from exposure to radio waves, such as those emitted by cell phone transmitting stations. The document points to an increase in diseases such as cancer, concentration problems, insomnia and degenerative brain diseases that can be linked to overexposure to electromagnetic radiation.

Another example is a 2009 statement by French scientists, who also warn of the health effects of wireless technology. They point out that only an interdisciplinary approach to the study of this issue can provide full knowledge of its impact on humans.

Suggestions and recommendations

Dabrowski encourages the use of safe forms of magnetic therapy, such as magnetostimulation, which operates at microtesla levels – much lower than the fields generated by many electronic devices. He also suggests avoiding devices such as microwave ovens, which he says can be harmful to health.


Dabrowski concludes his speech by appealing to listeners to exercise caution and common sense in using modern technology. He encourages education and an informed approach to the topic of electromagnetic fields, as well as the use of available scientific publications, including his own books, to better understand the issue and its impact on our health.

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