“Living” water – healing crystal

On average, the human body is composed of 70÷75% water, i.e. includes approx. 50÷60 liters of water. Of all the components found in a living cell, water is found in the greatest quantities – its content ranges from 70÷98%. Only in some bone or fat tissues is it found in smaller amounts.

Water performs many functions in the body conditioning a number of important processes, but only the transmission of bioinformation is a fundamental process for the existence of life. It takes place already at the DNA level via bioacoustic and bioelectromagnetic phenomena that account for 90% of all its functions. This means that the DNA of cells emits and absorbs sounds, and vibrating genes stimulate chromosomes to emit light waves (an electromagnetic phenomenon) in the form of the so-called “light waves”. biophotons, which carry out life-conditioning information transfer within and between cells with laser precision. This process takes place thanks to the extraordinary properties of water – about which in a moment.

The result of information-carrying vibrations is the biological evolution of species, as higher frequencies generate the formation of increasingly complex, tightly ordered structures. These include. Crystalline systems present in living organisms. They are characterized by a strict internal ordering of the particles that make them up. They play a special role in nature, because very complex information can be recorded, processed and reproduced in them. In the organic world, this particular role is played by liquid crystals.

A feature of liquid crystals is the ability to flow (characteristic of liquids) and at the same time to self-order the molecules that form them (as in typical crystals). Such properties are possessed by water, as well as the structures of the body that contain it, among others. proteins, DNA, cell membranes or cholesterol.

Water ensures efficient intracellular and intercellular communication. The corresponding vibrations organize its molecules into a fluid crystal lattice resembling ice or quartz crystals called a hexagonal (hexagonal) structure. Such water was called “living” water in old folk tales. In such a structure, water stores all information.

The remarkable ability of the hexagonal structure of water to remember and transmit information (known as water memory) was discovered in 1979. Russian Dr. G. N. Shangin-Berezovsky. This was later confirmed by French scientist Prof. J. Benve-niste, Russian scientist prof. S. Zenin, as well as Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto.

In light of the above information, the human body appears to be a “water computer” in which complex information is processed. Its poor work due to the effects of “viruses” – haste, improper diet, stress, electromagnetic smog, lack of sufficient exercise, etc., that is, all destructive factors resulting from today’s lifestyle promotes disease. Continuing the comparison – it would be necessary to remove from the computer the information that threatens the system in the form of viruses and interferes with its proper work, and “upload” the correct program by introducing the right vibrations into the body – for example, in the form of electromagnetic vibrations, which will serve as a catalyst in the healing processes.

This can be accomplished through an energy-information transfer performing structuring of drinking water and transmitting its selected specific electromagnetic frequencies. Structuring makes it possible to change the vibration frequency of water molecules (i.e., informational properties) by changing the positioning of water dipoles and large clusters (clusters) of water dipoles obtained by acting on them with forces, the source of which is, for example, pulsed electromagnetic fields (magnetostimulation, magnetorelaxation). Drinking such structured water has a positive effect on the psyche and body and brings them back to their original order.

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