Stories like the one below and yours continue to help our community. 🙂

We look forward to Twoją opinię!

    Rules of Procedure for Opinions

    Regulations for Adding Opinions on the MIM-2 Device.

    §1 Organizer

    1. The organizer is MAGNET MEDIC Tomasz Fiedoruk, based in 78-550 Czaplinek, ul. Dworcowa 19, hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer."

    §2 Participants

    1. Any natural person who is 18 years of age or older, has full legal capacity and a residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland and has purchased the MIM-2 device may be a participant.
    2. Participation in adding opinions is voluntary.

    §3 Subject of the Opinion

    1. The opinion should concern the use of the MIM-2.

    §4 Contents of the Opinion

    1. The opinion should be a subjective, factual and original description of the experience of using the MIM-2.
    2. The organizer is not responsible for the content of opinions. Opinions are solely the private statements of participants and do not represent the position of the Organizer.

    §5 Copyright and License

    1. The participant, by adding an opinion, declares that he is the author of the opinion and has full copyright to it.
    2. The Participant grants the Organizer a royalty-free, non-exclusive, time and territory unlimited license to use the opinion in the following fields of exploitation:
      • exhibition, display, reproduction, and broadcasting and re-broadcasting in audio form, in advertising, promotional materials, press, radio, television, advertising campaigns, on the Internet;
      • making the opinion available to the public in such a way that anyone can have access to it at a time and place of their own choosing.

    §6 Legal Disclaimer

    1. Submitted opinions may include descriptions of health experiences, however, they are solely the private opinions of participants and are not confirmed by the Organizer.
    2. The organizer is not responsible for any damage resulting from the use of the MIM-2 in the manner described in the user reviews.
    3. Opinions do not constitute medical advice or medical recommendation on the part of the Organizer.

    §7 Final Provisions

    1. The organizer reserves the right to change the regulations.
    2. Any changes to the regulations will be posted on [adres strony internetowej].
    3. In matters not covered by these regulations, the provisions of Polish law shall apply.
    More than 30,000 units sold worldwide

    Here are our customer stories from MIM-2

    100% relief

    Inspired by the film of J. Zięba, I bought two mime and after exactly two days shock! Pain in my loins (I have 3 herniated discs in my spine) are gone and to this day have not returned, and it's been two and a half months .But that's not all, because whenever something hurts(I'm 68 years old) I apply and it's over.It even helped with somatic pains.The wonderful thing is that I sleep and function without pain.I recommend.

    Jadwiga Zakrzewska
    Like a personal physician

    I have purchased devices MIM-2 and I am MEGA satisfied,I use admittedly for a few months,I will not elaborate,I confirm all the comments above.It is an investment for years,something for yourself and your health.Honestly doctors I avoid,no drugs,only supplements from Visanto,which are unique in combination in MIM 2 simply REVELUTION!!! I just ordered a set for my brother and niece, of course, after sending them early instructions on how it works.I recommend with all my heart, because it is worth it to have a private doctor in today's times, where the earth contaminated, food zchemized.Thank you manufacturers and inventors, that created for us such a Miracle!!! Greetings.

    Grace Dzuliette
    100% relief

    I am fresh from the purchase and have a few "issues" to "act" then I will certainly complete my opinion in some time, for now I noticed an improvement in the quality of sleep after just two days of use. Just as a quick note, you'll notice that the device is solidly built and comes with all the necessary materials to begin informed use. I ordered the rechargeable version and got it charged and mounted to the device right away, which is a very nice gesture.

    After surgery

    I highly recommend MIM2 to everyone! Not only I am satisfied with it , but also all my relatives and friends to whom I also recommended it. For me, MIM2 brought relief after a complicated fracture and ankle surgery, with fatigue after a busy day, after food poisoning, and with joint pain. We usually don't think about disease and pain when we are healthy, but such a private "doctor" is worth having at home even when nothing ails and using prophylactically on weakened organs to regenerate them. Water structuring is also worth thinking about. There are few therapies that have no side effects and the one using MIM2 is certainly one of them. It is worth a try, especially since the price for this device is definitely competitive compared to what is available on the market.

    Krystyna Zajączkowska
    It has helped many times before

    Let me be brief. I know of nothing better for any condition than MIM2. I have had this device for 7 years and have so far cured: a shoulder joint tear, cataracts in both eyes, burns - no scars, colds, kidney attacks, muscle attacks, headaches, ankle arthritis, a knee contusion, with no need for rehabilitation after any treatment, I lent this device to friends who were also helped by it for back pains ear inflammation, etc. I can't calculate everything over the years. Many times I fell off this device and eventually seasoned it so that I had to buy a new one. I bought 2 pieces. . I recommend it to everyone. I had forgotten what a doctor looks like.

    I'm not parting with MIM-2

    The MIM 2 product is an inhaled device that I won't part without. I heartily recommend for many ailments and preventively.

    lynx sarnecki
    It just works

    Old history. I talked to the author of these devices / MIM2/ ! Bought 2 boxes-that's what I call them. In 2015 the orthopedist gave me a referral for knee replacement!!! These "BOXES"-that's what I call them-healed me.Today I walk efficiently. M

    I use 24/7

    I have been interested in alternative medicine, including optimal nutrition, for 30 years. In 1997, I bought a magnetic mat, thanks to which I recovered from a serious car accident in a very short time. However, lying on a magnetic mat 3 times a day was a bit time-consuming for me. Since I became convinced of the effectiveness and beneficial effects of magnetic fields on our body, without any resistance I bought 2 pieces of MiM-2 device from Magnet-Medic. Having used these pulsators for more than a dozen years, I got rid of all the inconveniences of my old age. I use the MiM-2 24 hours a day. Thanking the Creators and Manufacturers of the pulsator, I heartily recommend it to all who wish to live the rest of their lives on the planet in health.

    It works on the prostate

    Hello,I bought the MIM-2 and have been using it successfully for prostate discomfort, I know I will have to increase the time of exposure to the magnetic field but with the application I really feel relief. When applied near the sternum the sensation of blissful relaxation and peace, I highly recommend.

    I forget the pain

    In June, I purchased your MiM 2 product on Allegro. At first full of apprehension, because the price is not small, but with hope, because magnetic field rehabilitation has always helped me. I am mobility-impaired-I have Perthes syndrome (both hips are affected and unfortunately my knees and spine are also affected) I am delighted with the performance of the mime. When I wear it I actually forget about the pain! You have created a wonderful device!!!! I will purchase another one soon.I am very grateful!

    Vytautas D
    Delicious water

    My wife and I did a double-blind test using MIM-2. I bought two identical water (yes, yes in glass:)) and on one I stuck MIM-2 (structuring scope), and the other in another room stood without the device. After two days, we described the bottles underneath, which is which (in order to distinguish) after which we stirred them so that we did not know which was which. I had myself blindfolded and instructed my wife to pour the water from each bottle into two separate glasses. I tried both waters in turn. I immediately sensed the structured water from the regular one. I was flawless in my assessment and retried each in turn to make sure and get a sense of what the difference was. It's not a matter of the taste of the water just that structured water goes in better and drinks better, as if there is actually something in it vibrating and moving - "living water". You can feel the element of strangeness in it. Plain water, on the other hand, went in with more resistance, as if it were standing and not moving - it was dead and thus did not taste so good. My wife sensed the difference after the second time she tried it, and in turn thought that the water she liked less was the structured one, and it was the other way around 😉 That is, MIM-2 works.

    Opinion from FB Hidden Therapies - Jerzy Zięba
    I have been using since 2010 !!!

    I bought and have been using the MIM-2 device since 2010, particularly for pain relief and relief.Recently, after an ineffective series of "ketonal" injections to relieve sciatica pain, I used MIM-2 with unexpectedly positive results.As a result of this assistance, I began to analyze the possibility of using a mobile camera to otherwise improve my condition.After information from the Internet and consultation with the gentleman from where I received the information about the possibility of improving the alignment of erythrocytes, I decided to permanently wear a small mobile apparatus with such great capabilities.At my age of 77, when it is getting closer to the natural end of life, I have decided to stay with the one camera I own, with which I will only replace the worn Velcro.I will promote the advantages of the MIM-2 camera among my friends!

    Ireneusz Pikosz
    Kidneys kidneys

    First of all, I wanted to thank the people at the store for their kind treatment of me and for taking the time. I purchased the MiM-2 recently. I didn't have to wait long, as the device's effect could be felt, as I recall, after just a few hours of use (the device was worn overnight, on the kidney area). Very much improved in their work, less problem with urination, which was most likely caused by prostatitis, more energy (especially noticeable when you are studying and when you have to sit for several nice hours in lectures).

    Slawek W.

    MIM is a sensational painkiller. It calms the heart, regulates blood pressure and watches over my sleep. It's just a shame that I couldn't find competitive prices anywhere.

    For many areas

    I learned about MiM-2 in October 2015. The manufacturer was so convincing that I soon purchased 2 devices. Since then, I have not parted with them. With magnetic pulsators: The sand from my kidneys disappeared and the inflammation subsided, The inflammation in the left knee has subsided, The inflammation in the 5th lumbar vertebra has resolved, The inflammation in the 7th thoracic vertebra and osteoporosis resolved, It straightened me out, I don't hunch over, The condition of the heart's blood vessels has improved greatly, The arrhythmia has subsided, angina has disappeared, The sinusitis has resolved to 80%, The stomach digests better, The duodenum does not hurt and functions better, Sciatica runs a mild course, The body is becoming less acidic, The condition of the cerebral cortex has improved. MiM-2 has an effective analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect and normalizes the disturbed function of internal organs. I have been wearing magnetic impulse devices 24 hours a day since the end of October 2015. I apply them where I need to fix what I have broken over the years. I'm feeling better and better. I do not take any medications, but supplement vitamin and mineral deficiencies with dietary supplements. Of all the paramedical devices I own, I can definitely recommend the MiM-2 to everyone. I guarantee 100% satisfaction. Buying MiM-2 magnetic pulsators is a great investment, because it pays off with health.Sylwia Brzozowska age 60 Bliszczyce 22.03.2016

    Sylwia Brzozowska
    Effective and proven

    I am a graduate of AWfiS and have been "sitting" in sports for more than 30 years. Two years ago, I purchased 4 Mims, and the effectiveness of this tiny device exceeded our wildest expectations. Whether after injuries especially to soft tissues, adhesions, overstress, fatigue as well as in prevention- simply works! I use my adult children, grandchildren; the camera is still in circulation. And how to use? - just use the map that the manufacturer provides. Add to this still unquestionable for today Dr.Kwasniewski's Optimal Nutrition (at least similar) as well as the structuring of drinking water by MiM2 ... and you will change the way " seeing the world ". My type-Not everyone has a water filter-but if you have reasonably good (tasty) water in your tap-PREGOTATE, let it sit until morning (chlorine will escape) and 20 min.magnetizer MiM-you will taste good water. As a side note, I would like to add - tap water is tested( in Germany) for min. 40 factors, bottled at 13 -any questions ? If so, please ask to the manufacturer-wonderful people, a mine of knowledge!!!

    Z.Jimmy Karpinski
    Unlikely health outcomes

    Combining the benefits of theMIM-2 with optimal nutrition and the use of reverse osmosis filter water (after structuring it with Mimem ) yields incredible health results, (Undoing old conditions; fading diseases, and slowing the aging process). I have been using the MIM-2 camera for about 5 years now and can't imagine life without it. The old infirmities are gone, and so are the diseases. Wants to live !!!! Among my friends and acquaintances there are about 25 MIM'ers and they are all very happy. Thank you Mr. Andrew Gregor of Offenbach

    Gregor Bieniek
    He can do so much

    I am a Physics major by education and an Eng. construction. Magnetic pulsator - APARACIK came into my possession in 2006. He helped me with my rehabilitation after a 3rd degree burn. Convinced of the device's miraculous performance, I got to know it in practice by testing it on myself. Now I know what APARACIK can do!!! So briefly: - Wearing it on your liver improves your mood (especially after a party); - placement on the solar plexus makes it easier to fall asleep; - If the stomach hurts, then after 10 - 20 minutes it does not hurt; - Placing on the nape of the neck relaxes the muscles; - When I sleep with a camera on my kidneys I wake up earlier and rested; - When I experience discomfort from pain, applying the brace quickly helps; - Applying the apparatus nullifies sexual frigidity - also; These are just selected examples of the device's miraculous performance.This camera should be in the possession and use of every person - just like a cell phone. Everyone who has experienced the operation of the apparatus on himself is satisfied and grateful to the one from whom he received it. This is an excellent way to make a PRESENT. It is important to remember that also when using braces, you need to act wisely and cooperate with your body. Each organism is a little different and resides in different environments. The general rules are the same for everyone. This is your ACCEPTANCE. Is the camera expensive? Absolutely not!!! It pays for itself quickly because you use fewer tranquilizers and pain pills. Also, one is financially ahead in a short period of time. That's it for now. I express a special word of appreciation and thanks to the creators and manufacturers of the pulsator.

    Przemyslaw Swietliczny
    Best purchase

    At the age of 30 I didn't know what illnesses were, I lived a full life partying as much as I could, leading a bad lifestyle. Until I got sick and no one could tell me what was wrong, despite private clinics and supposed miracle doctors. And the money spent, I was left to continue living in pain. Thanks to the method of Dr. Voll, I found out that I have tapeworm armed at 4m and boleriosis shock.From 90 KG to 68 KG zero appetite and pain, life lost its meaning for me total depression zero joy. Once a woman wrote on a forum about this device how miraculously it helped her children, I decided to buy one for myself too, not believing these stories about the supposed healing properties. The device exceeded my expectations already after the first day the pain disappeared the appetite returned and again I felt what it means to live and what a beautiful gift it is. Now I do not know what the pain is I am happy and the gentleman who sold it to me is a worldly man who knows how to make me enjoy good and well-being.Because it is probably better to spend these few pennies on this device than thousands on drugs that harm us instead of curing.Therefore, I encourage you to buy this device because there is no deception here it works because I use it myself and I am satisfied and I could not make a better purchase.So I recommend you from the bottom of my heart because we have only one life so sometimes it is better to spend a few zlotys to be healthy and enjoy the gift that is our life although not always colorful but such are the turns of fate .POLECOM NO JOKE IT WORKS RAFAL IRELAND MALOPOLSKA

    Rafal Oczkowski
    After surgery

    I highly recommend MIM2 to everyone! Not only I am satisfied with it , but also all my relatives and friends to whom I also recommended it. For me, MIM2 brought relief after a complicated fracture and ankle surgery, with fatigue after a busy day, after food poisoning, and with joint pain. We usually don't think about disease and pain when we are healthy, but such a private "doctor" is worth having at home even when nothing ails and using prophylactically on weakened organs to regenerate them. Water structuring is also worth thinking about. There are few therapies that have no side effects and the one using MIM2 is certainly one of them. It is worth a try, especially since the price for this device is definitely competitive compared to what is available on the market.

    Krystyna Zajączkowska
    Rehabilitation at home

    In 1999. That was the beginning of the changes in my life, as I found out later - and that was when I first heard about magnetic field therapy, which I could do myself at home. The topic was no stranger to me, as magnetic fields are used in the rehabilitation of orthopedic conditions in hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, but it is quite expensive in the long run. It took me a long time to acquire MIM, but when you are at a young age, you don't think about diseases. But this is a mistake, because prevention in our lives is of great importance. Memorable 2008 🙂 - then I became the happy owner of Impulsator with which I have not parted to this day. I do competitive sports - Masters swimming and MIM helps me with my shoulder joint ailments, which are the result of sports overload. But not only that - wearing a pulsator around my kidneys also helps me with weight loss - since August 2012. I have already lost 10 kg, of course, also using a special diet - there are no miracles in this area to lose weight from just wanting to - the Impulsator worn around the kidneys allows you to get rid of excess water in the body, and with this I always had a problem. And as for the water I use in my daily life - I keep MIM all the time after filling the water jug near it. That's why I recommend MIM to everyone, and don't wait until your strained health is reprimanding you with pain - take preventive action! And drink structured water ! Pictured is me in a pink dress, I took second place for the fastest competitor in the Rumia Sprint Competition in June 2012.

    Ewa Mierwald
    Forget the pain

    MiM-2 was recommended to us a few years ago by a close family member, a wise person with a wealth of knowledge, scientifically accomplished, yet open to and successfully using alternative healing methods. The distance between Poland and Canada, although so virtually insignificant at the moment, combined with the fatal practice of putting things off "for later" caused us to become owners of the device only two months ago. It was delivered to us along with a verbal transmission of instructions for use and a book by Janusz Dabrowski titled "The use of the book". "Magnetostimulation and magnetorelaxation in theory and practice". The instructions by MiM's creator, Andrew Fedoruk, recommended placing the two nifty apparatuses on the kidneys possibly 24 hours a day and using them to structure water for drinking. We only ordered two pieces, so after a couple of weeks of picking up and tearing out one another's devices, we contacted Magnet-Medic and purchased another four. They came in a flash and we haven't parted with them since. And here are the benefits we observed from using MiM-2 for less than two months:  In me, the morning persistent pain in the sacrum disappeared and my metabolism improved significantly.  I suffered a knee injury on one of my mountain climbs. After a day's considerable effort, I slept through the night, but in the morning I was awakened by severe pain. Without thinking much, I fixed the braces on and below the knee. After about thirty minutes, the pain subsided and I went on another climb the same day.  Just today our daughter visited us with a group of friends and ... a very severe headache. So I removed my MiM-2s from their recommended location, rubbed them with spirit and applied one to the back of my head and the other to my suffering daughter's forehead. After only twenty minutes, her daughter opened her eyes wide and announced that the pain that had been plaguing her since the morning had subsided.  I know from autopsy that while the MiM-2 was not intended to be a waterproof device, it actually turned out to be a waterproof device. Yes, it survived an unplanned and unexpected dip in deep water unscathed.   My husband places both braces on areas particularly bothering him and finds significant relief from joint and muscle stiffness and pain relief from old injuries. In addition, as a multiple myocardial infarction and pacemaker owner on Pradaxa (a blood thinner), he observed the cessation of annoying blood clots in his nose. Both of us have become lovers of Janusz Dabrowski's works and owners of all his books. My husband has already read all eight items and repeats after the author that it is impossible to get rid in a few weeks of conditions for which one has worked for years. ☺ Currently, we only drink water structured by MiM-2. It occurs to me how apt is the saying of J.W.Goethe, often repeated by my wise, learned sister: "It is not enough to possess knowledge, one must still know how to use it." Even in school, we learn that our body is composed mainly of water and that its chemical formula is H2O. However, we were not taught - at least in my time - about the importance of this hexagonal strut and how to obtain it. MiM-2 is the result of its creator's application of knowledge, and praise for that. We recommend this product to everyone who wants to live and go to that side without pain.

    Barbara Kossowska-Szyszko
    Recommended by Dr.

    I learned about MiM-2 from a doctor of physics - a smart and educated person who has been gifting the device to her loved ones since she learned about it and tried it on her own. In this way he not only spreads goodness, but also has the problem of gifts taken care of 🙂 I became the owner of two such small nifty cameras four months ago. Since then, they have been in close contact around the clock either with the water to be drunk or with my body. I wondered why I intuitively put one at the level of one kidney, the other at the level of the other. It was only recently that I realized that, after all, we are made up of more than 70% water. It is filtered by the kidneys continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year... since the beginning of our existence. Water encodes feelings. Aggression, hatred, rage, negative opinions, vulgar words - poison it. On the other hand, a positive attitude to the world, kindness, using the language of love - purifies. The former kills, the latter heals. Thus, our quality of life largely depends on the structure of the water. And it is this small, sleek MiM-2 device that is able to harmonize it. Acting on such a small area as the human body simultaneously affects the entire Universe, for at the energy level we are all connected to everyone and everything in existence. Therefore, we do not need to suffer from any medical conditions to start using this device. I can confirm that MiM-2 makes sure that all the substances left over from the metabolism are quickly and painlessly removed from the body, which is sure to delight any person who cares about their figure. I was also delighted to discover that the heart palpitations caused by my great weakness for large quantities of very strong coffee have subsided as if by magic. I encourage you to take a look at the website and hope that the video presented there will convince the undecided about the rightness of purchasing this WONDERFUL device and make the circle of its admirers significantly expand, and perhaps in the future it will become as indispensable as a toothbrush for brushing teeth. With gratitude to its Creator 🙂

    Maria Powsinska
    Forget the pain

    My learned and practiced profession is process engineering. Mathematical modeling requires experimental work necessary to determine the values of the parameters of independent models. Bad luck that I came into direct contact with chemicals that were allergens early in my career. I did not wait long for the first symptoms of allergic asthma. Conventional medicine had only pharmacological remedies to offer, which, although they did not cure, somehow allowed people to exist despite the undesirable side effects. Another case made me take the opportunity to verify anomalous biophysical interactions after many years. I found out then that I was able to influence my physiology with my own biofield. The first such exposure to the upper respiratory tract triggered a violent asthma attack, but prolonging the exposure caused the attack to pass for the first time without the use of decongestants. Follow-up of this procedure showed that steroids were also unnecessary. In this way I was able to realize the process of self-healing for the first time, which resulted in my interest in anomalous phenomena, considered inexplicable from the point of view of conventional science.The search for alternative healing methods brought magnetostimulation to my attention. The information about this technique was fully in line with the knowledge I had in the meantime about the functioning of the biological body (see:, so I decided to try it out using the MIM-2 apparatus then available on the Polish market. My asthma always activated when I had a chill or seasonal infection, which I used to test the device. The effect was similar to that of bioenergy therapy. The body quickly dealt with the infection, and the asthma went into another dormant state for a long period of time. After several years, not only asthma, but also recurrent infections stopped bothering me. My immune system is working flawlessly today. The impact of the MIM-2 apparatus also helped me deal with facial nerve inflammation. The pain did not give me a chance to enter a state that would allow me to use bioenergy therapy on myself. My first instinct was to go to the doctor, who prescribed pharmaceuticals and ruled out the possibility of therapy using physical interactions despite my stated allergy to a whole range of medications. The available information on the side effects of the drugs prescribed to me ruled out the possibility of using them in my case, so I tested the capabilities of the MIM-2 once again. The ailment disappeared completely after a second 20-minute application.My husband also became interested in this healing technique. It allowed him to deal with hypertension and rheumatic pain. Today, he no longer needs to use drugs for this purpose. Both of us have also been making sure to consume naturally clustered water for several years, for which we initially used the ADR device and now the MIM-2 apparatus. We also take care of the proper structure of cellular water. We recommend to family members and friends the virtues of magnetostimulation and magnetorelaxation. This is because knowledge of the subject gives you the ability to make the right choices in health emergencies.

    Danuta Adamska-Rutkowska