revolution in health support

Modular Magnetic Pulsator MIM-2

The first magnetosupplementation device of its kind in the world. Tired of health problems? Supplement your body with magnetic fields.

0 years of warranty

2+3 years - 100% Polish production and idea

1x MIM-2 module

Good for starters

PLN 595
Start your adventure in wellness and magnetic field supplementation or simply expand your collection with another module.
  • carrying strap included
  • without power - add battery / rechargeable battery
2x MIM-2 module

Optimal set

PLN 1100
Promotional set of two devices, ideally to optimally increase the range of operation. Exceptional promotion while supplies last.
  • belt for 2 devices included
  • without power - add 2x battery / 2x rechargeable battery

Why does it just work?


Earth's magnetic field is weakening

It is now accepted that the magnetic field is an adequate source of energy that sustains the body’s vital functions, and that “disturbed” and declining earth magnetism is the cause of many health problems, known as diseases of civilization. By using MIM-2 today, we will ensure the proper functioning of the body well into the future. Magneto summation is a key step in supplementation.


The percentage of cases of civilization diseases has increased


daily new people with more discomfort

Like the Earth’s magnetic field – the pulsed magnetic field from the MIM-2 penetrates the body unhindered to a depth of effectively up to 30 couple of centimeters, reaches all energetically altered areas (discomfort felt), balances energy disorders – thus restoring balance in the body – making us feel relaxed – Wellness is a state of good health and well-being.


increased percentage of cases as a result of chronic stress

You'll be surprised how much such a small device can do

Areas of operation MIM-2

supplementation = protection

It replenishes the chronic deficiency of the right magnetic field and normalizes the body's processes contributing to better well-being and health.

STOP electrosmog

We are bombarded daily with various electromagnetic waves like EMF, radio, WiFi, BT, 4G, 5G, 6G. And MIM-2 is a kind of active protective screen against this type of radiation.

boosts immunity

It rebuilds the body's resistance to adverse changes in the surrounding environment, providing an ideal environment for regenerative processes.

water structuring

It has a beneficial effect on the structuring of organic water - it orientates water dipoles preventing or reversing aggregation and crystallization of particles.

Spa in a box

Reduces stress and anxiety. Improves sleep. The relaxing effect of the magnetic field shortens the recovery time.

increase in energy

It causes an increase in resistance to physical and mental fatigue, increases the vitality of the body by increasing energy, has a positive effect on potency.

magnetic field deficiency syndrome

Fight long-term stress and energy decline life :

The story began as early as 1975 when Dr. Kyoichi Nakagawa, found that people suffering from ailments such as neck pain, headaches, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, forgetfulness, etc. were actually suffering from magnetic field deficit syndrome (MFDS). Dr. Nakagawa conducted a study and on average as many as 94% described the magnetic field application as effective, and numerous other studies around the world have since confirmed the same. Even the National Health Service already provides rehabilitation using magnetic fields.


Stimulating the vagus nerve. This point, along with the solar plexus, are key to reducing momentary stress / panic attacks etc. MIM-2 with an arrow along the neck.

kidneys 2x

Increasing vital energy. Regeneration and long-term magnetosupplementation of the body - a state of wellness. Shield.

head - night

Improved focus and concentration. Sleep regulation. It is enough that you tuck under the pillow with an arrow to the head.

solar plexus

Stress reduction. Improved well-being. Long-term improvement of focus and concentration. When experiencing sudden discomfort during the day, this point along with the neck is ideal. MIM-2 body arrow up.

Range 1 is ideal for ongoing discomfort.

Range 2 as the main range of magnetorelaxation.

Use two alternately and watch your body's reaction.

Water structuring is the next step for good health

Water + magnetic field = H2O-MIM-2 :

structured water = water of health

As Professor Mu Shik Jhon stated - cells surrounded by structured water molecules are stronger, and so is our whole body!

That’s how much we structure water using MIM-2. Larger tanks >10l will require at least 2 devices. And structuring a glass of water will take only 15 minutes instead.

That’s how much it maintains its structure, too. Water is a very fragile colloid and is very susceptible to other external factors. This time does not depend on the power of the device etc.

We always structure water after any treatment like thermal, hydration, etc. and after it flowed through the network of pipes in our house or apartment.

water = blood

Systematic reduction of fluctuations and control of blood pressure. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, but not all at once, systematically a glass at a time.

body weight?

Probably one of the most important contributors to weight loss. Adequate hydration, and that with water that is better absorbed, is crucial in our diet.


Counteract fatigue with an extra dose of energy and support self-healing processes. You will regain your energy in a holistic approach with our MIM-2.

increased resistance

Increase the body's immunity, as most diseases are also associated with chronic dehydration. It is recommended to drink not cold, boiled water.

this is just the beginning ...

good magnetic field has many applications

“The use of MIM-2 affects the relaxation of a tired body. MIM-2 is used for essential magnetic field supplementation for perceived fatigue and any discomfort.”

Andrew Fedoruk - inventor and creator of the device

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News note: MAGNET MEDIC does not currently offer medical services or products. Our MIM-2 device is not used to treat any diseases. Archived MIM-2 was a medical device 1990-2004 and has clinical trials during this period confirming exceptional effectiveness.

If you have health problems or questions about your health, it is absolutely recommended that you consult your doctor.