Wellness – a state of good health and well-being

Wellness is a state of good health and well-being. It’s a trend that came about as a result of people’s growing awareness that you have to take care of this condition yourself, that you can’t just devote yourself to your career, and that your health will be taken care of by medicine. Such thinking has not worked.

Wellness is a megatrend that is sweeping the world with millions of people beginning to understand:

  • That lack of energy at 30 is not at all normal
  • That you don’t have to get heart disease at age 40
  • That overweight, despite its prevalence, is not at all normal
  • That at age 60 you don’t have to walk around with a medicine cabinet
  • That at the age of 70 you don’t have to be infirm

Wellness is the realm of products and services related to maintaining good health, well-being and good looks.

In the whole system of wellness programs, it is important to hydrate the body (drinking the “right water”) – drinking structured water (using MIM-2) and structuring organic water (undergoing MIM-2 magnetorelaxation) – we slow down the aging process. We affect the appearance of our skin, also and perhaps especially our mood.

In the era of workaholism, permanent lack of time – the difficulty of finding time for various relaxation therapies makes us often overtired, stressed , weary, it happens that we suddenly feel discomfort… MIM-2 is what we need! – instant mobile support for our body.

It gives you the opportunity to quickly regain energy and vitality! Because

“Magnetic energy is the elemental energy on which all the life of the world depends.”

– prof. Werner Heisenberg (Nobel Prize winner in physics)

Let’s keep this in mind especially in this era of rapidly waning Earth magnetism!

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