Structured water – a source of health

By consuming properly structured water, which contains vital information for the body in the form of correct frequencies, one can influence self-regulation of vital processes and self-healing. Internal structure is a critical factor in the quality of water, especially drinking water.

Ordinary tap water, with its damaged structure, in a disordered state, is just a chaotic cluster of molecules. It has the ability to move more freely in the environment of diseased cells compared to the hexagonal water of the aqueous environment of healthy cells. It is poorly retained in the body because the body’s molecules struggle to properly locate the molecules of such water among themselves. This impairs the body’s proper water supply. In addition, water with a damaged structure allows aggregation (merging into a larger whole) and crystallization of calcium particles, cholesterol and other compounds, which promotes the formation of kidney stones, gallstones, calcification of blood vessels and joints. This can be prevented extremely effectively by structuring drinking water with the help of magnetorelaxation (magnetostimulation) devices, for example.

After all, one thing should be kept in mind. Even if we drink the hexagonal structured water necessary for the body every day in the amount of about 2.5 liters, this is still a small amount compared to the amount of water present in the body (recall – about 50÷60 liters). Structuring drinking water in vitro (outside the body) is by all means a desirable action, but a much more effective action is to subject all the body’s water to structuring in vivo (in the body). It is enough to subject the body to pulsating magnetic fields every day by applying field applicators (pulsators) to the kidney area. As a result, the problem of sand in the bladder, kidney stones, etc. infirmities will become a thing of the past because magnetorelaxation (magnetostimulation) has a beneficial effect on the structuring of organic water – it orientates water dipoles preventing or reversing aggregation and crystallization of particles. This is due to, among other things. From a study by famous Korean scientist Prof. Mu Shik Jhon claiming that “structured water dissolves and removes excess salts of any kind from the body.” This is similar to the well-known technical method of using special water magnetizers in water supply and central heating systems to prevent scale buildup on pipe walls and the problems this causes.

Prof. Mu Shik Jhon, author of more than 250 scientific papers and a world expert in water research he has conducted for 40 years, said: “Aging is caused by the loss of hexagonal water from organs, tissues and cells. Restoring structured water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow down the aging process, and prevent disease.” This theory was supported by Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi. Dr. Yang H. Och (Harvard University) believes similarly: “The characteristic of the hexagonal structure of water is that it promotes health and increases longevity. The human body loves hexagonal water.” Also, German scientists at the University of Nuremberg-Erlangen believe that drinking structured water enhances memory, avoids many diseases, strengthens a person’s psychophysical abilities, and such water saturates the body’s biomolecules much better and reacts more actively with the body’s biological and mineral components.

Research by Prof. Mu Shik Jhon showed that the structuring of water in the human body is significant around proteins and especially around DNA. Healthy and damaged DNA differ significantly in the number of hexagonal units of water surrounding them.

Also, a healthy cell forms around itself a kind of protective shield of hexagonal structured water molecules impermeable to viruses, bacteria, etc. This kind of protection does not exist around sick cells. “When the water structure near the cells is compromised, the cells are more susceptible to external stimuli. As a result, cells surrounded by water with less hexagonal structure are weaker and more susceptible to impaired function and genetic mutations.” (Mu Shik Jhon).

This was confirmed in the 1990s by U.S. scientists from research centers in the state of Georgia in the U.S. showing that human cells of healthy organs are surrounded by structured water molecules, while those of diseased organs (regardless of disease), are surrounded by unstructured water. Normally, a healthy body structures water on its own by converting ordinary water into so-called “water of the future. Metabolic already at the cellular level. However, this requires having significant energy reserves, which the diseased body does not have. You can make the body’s task easier by giving it water that is already structured.

If a cell gets sick – it changes its energy capacity, which results in a change in vibration frequency. In such a weakened state, especially when the body is subjected to stress, the hexagonal structure is destroyed at an accelerated rate, and the cells are incapable of giving the water a normal hexagonal structure that performs informational, protective and repair functions.

Water structuring – is also the strengthening of the so-called. hydrogen bonds between its molecules. This allows to increase the potential of hydrogen energy improving the processes of water molecules surrounding the cells with a protective layer against destructive factors. The increase in hydrogen energy potential also activates enzymes from the dehydrogenase group, so that hydrogen atoms are stripped from water molecules and oxygen atoms are released, helping to speed up blood oxygenation and toxin elimination.


Changes taking place in the body – according to Prof. Mu Shik Jhona – as a result of drinking structured water, its effects on various ailments and diseases and other benefits are as follows:

  • Improving the ability to carry oxygen and nutrients into cells and remove waste substances from cells,
  • Improving blood oxygenation,
  • Stabilization of cardiac function,
  • preventing errors during DNA replication, as unstructured water increases the possibility of such errors leading to cell divisions that promote cancer,
  • Hexagonal water is the main source of energy for all organs – this is especially important to ensure high performance and physical capacity when performing heavy physical work or during competitive sports,
  • Improving nutrient absorption,
  • Increasing the power of the immune system,
  • improving hydration, i.e., the encirclement of substances by water molecules and thus better dissolution and absorption of these substances into the body,
  • increase the body’s resistance to disease, since most diseases are associated with chronic dehydration,
  • Counteracting skin dryness, acne, psoriasis, wrinkle formation,
  • Counteracting constipation and improving colon cleansing of deposits by better dissolving and washing them out,
  • Counteracting the formation of “bad” LDL cholesterol and the deposition of its oxidation products on the walls of blood vessels (cholesterol problems arise largely on the basis of latent dehydration in the body),
  • Reducing high cholesterol and high blood pressure,
  • probably one of the most important contributors to weight loss (anti-obesity); any weight loss program should be based on drinking structured water,
  • The body’s lack of hexagonal water supply contributes to the growth of adipose tissue and its conversion into a reservoir of toxins and acidic waste leading to the formation of cellulite,
  • Improving the cleansing process of the liver, blood and kidneys,
  • Counteracting fatigue by providing additional portions of energy,
  • Dissolving and removing excess of any salts from the body,
  • Improving health in diabetics and reducing the need for insulin,
  • Anti-allergy and asthma prevention – regular and frequent drinking of hexagonal water should be a basic duty of allergy and asthma sufferers,
  • Counteracting stress by reducing emotional tension,
  • Improving the ph of the blood and all its organs (acid-base regulation).

Hexagonal structuring of water to assist in the treatment of many diseases and contribute to well-being can be carried out using equipment for magnetostimulation, magnetorelaxation, millimeter wave therapy, electromagnetic space harmonization. It is enough to expose the water in the vessel to the pulsating magnetic field produced by these devices usually for 5÷10 minutes.

After all, let’s not forget about in vivo water structuring, i.e. contained in the body. The applicator (pulsator) applied daily to the kidney area for only a few minutes will support the work of cells in structuring water and save the body a lot of energy, which will allow to intensify the processes of regeneration, self-healing and vitalization.

Systematic, daily drinking of structured water and structuring of internal water should become our habit and also a mandatory need – like sleeping and eating.

The article is an excerpt from the book “Magnetostimulation and Magnetorelaxation in Theory and Practice.” Author: Janusz Dąbrowski
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Provided for: MAGNET-MEDIC
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Janusz Dabrowski – lecturer, creator of multimedia presentations, author of articles and books promoting the health care program.

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